Monday, April 03, 2006

Follow up, what's been happening on the show...

In the past week, people have won and people have cried. One contestant was offered a Hummer if he took $18,000, and left. He didn't and went on to win around $250,000. Another man that was on the show commented that all he wanted was to use the money to take his wife to Italy, and buy an RV so he could visit his kids on the other said of the country. The outcome? He should have kept going. The show surprised the contestant, when they flew his children in for the show. The two little girls coached their dad to a good amount of money. But did they stop to soon? If the contestant had gone with his gut feeling, he would have walked away with a hefty $750,000. Not bad for a hour's work. Situations like that are why the game is risking and takes a lot of luck.


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