Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Recently on the show…

Twenty-eight year old Tennessean Erin Burch appeared on the show, recently and boy did she make a deal. She not only brought along her husband, brother, and a co-worker, but her lucky pet rabbit. Oh, yes, a rabbit, not just a lucky rabbits foot, but an actual rabbit. The Banker even commented that he was going rabbit hunting after the show.

Burch works for the Special Olympics Tennessee; she commented that she planned on giving half of whatever she won to the organization. At first she was off to a rough start with losing the million dollar case after her second round of cases. But after a few small amount cases opened she was given the offer of $99,000, she didn’t take it. She told Howie Mandel the shows host; she wanted to walk away with at least $80,000. What greed setting in? She went on to open one more case. #21, the case had $100 in it. The Banker gave her the offer of $167,000. She took it and smiled with the help of one of her Special Olympic friends.

Next contestant…

Thorp Shanely, from Chicago was next, and was excited. The Fireman, which spoke of playing video games for hours at a time, was extremely happy, and excited to play. He brought along his wife, his mother, and a friend that he played video games with. Though the outcome of what he walks away with has not been air yet, he was off to a fine start. The first case he opened contained the $750,000, but he wasn’t upset because he knew the million was in his lucky case #20. His wife felt differently, she commented that they had agreed that he would pick that case, it was their wedding date. The show ended on Monday with the suspense at a high. Shanely was waiting for his third offer, and you will have to wait next Monday because Celebrity cooking challenge is on instead. The suspense is killing you I know.


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