Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What a mom thinks about the show...

I interviewed a viewer of the hit show to see what they thought of the show. Jeannie Carpenter, a 47 year old bookkeeper, and part-time stay at home mom, watches the show frequently.

Have you ever been on Deal or No Deals’ website?
(if so what did you think about it)
No, I haven’t, I don’t have time to surf the net.

Have you ever blogged about something?
(have you heard of blogging)
I don’t know what that means, people ask me that all the time and I have yet to learn about it.

What are you feelings towards Deal or No Deal?
I like it. It’s entertaining, people are stupid on the show, but I like it!

Do you like it, the concept?
It’s a fast paced, very entertaining, keep you on the edge of your seat show.

Is there something about the show you would change?
That I would be the contestant.

Did you know there is more than one version of the show?
I heard something about there being another one in a different show, but I didn’t know the layout of it was different. I just thought it was the same show.

When was the 1st time you watched the show?

What is the most memorable scene you can remember about the show?
Well two things came to mind, when the one contestant didn’t want to make the deal but did under the pressure of her family, and after all was said and done she shorted herself $82,000. The 2nd one was when the Canadian lady children replaced the models opening the cases; I thought that was very family oriented. Oh I have something else, I found out that Howie Mandel has a fetish with shaking hands, that’s why he always knuckle butts everybody.

Do you think greed gets to people on the show?
Umm, I wouldn’t call it greed, they become unsure of themselves, and become afraid they won’t leave with anything. They second guess themselves.

Do you think money gets to people more now than it did 20 years ago?
Definitely, money is the root of all evil, I think you had to work harder for it twenty years ago, but people are more greedy about it now.

If you were on Deal or No Deal what case would pick to save?
I’ve thought about this, I want to say either 4 or 18.


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